TRAD Draw Check Clicker
A Clicker is a must have for a precise draw length. Helpful when you’re new to archery, or when you require absolute precision.
The clicker is attached to your limb and a small string is threaded through your string. At your exact draw length the clicker is activated and the sound informs you that your set draw length has been reached.
To install: 1. Clean the inside of your upper limb with alcohol. 2. Remove the adhesive cover, locate a place ca. 1/4 down from the string nock and press clicker firmly in place for 10 seconds. 3. Thread the clicker string through your bow string. 4. Mark your exact draw length on an arrow. 5. String your bow and draw to your marking on your arrow. Adjust the clicker string until it clicks at that exact draw length. 6. Tie the end of the clicker string around your bow string, cut remaining clicker string off and seal the end with a lighter.
Pro-Tip: Add a strip of electrical tape to reduce volume of the click sound in hunting situations.
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